Thursday, August 14, 2008

Wesley's 12th Birthday Party

In our family, 12 is a pretty important age. You get to start having sleepovers. Boys get the Priesthood and start passing the Sacrament, girls start babysitting, and one of mom's faves, kids do their own laundry. Wes wanted to have a sleepover with his buddies. Michael, Jonny, Noah, Jacob, and Jordan came. They played a basketball game, had a Wii tourney, a paper airplane flying contest, and watched a movie, and of course, ate some junk food. Wes wanted a chocolate chip ice cream cake. It was huge and so yummy! The boys all had a great time and stayed up til 1:30am. We only have big parties every four years for our kids, so I can handle this every 4 years. It was a lot of fun!
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Jennifer said...

Hey Wes! Good taste in birthday cakes! I can't remember how old i was but one year I asked my Dad to make me a giant chocolate chip cookie for my birthday. It was the best. The sleep over looks like tons of fun. Good luck with the laundry! Don't forget to empty your pockets:-)

prRiggs said...

Those birthday parties look like sooo much fun!
So what are you doing now that everyone's in school? Is that the craziest feeling or what?!

RuSty and LaLa said...

Atleast he won't have to worry about lipstick being left in his pocket...that is a real bummer. Gum in the dryer is just as bad.

I want a peice of that now. Seriously! Those are two of the best things on earth. Ice cream and cookies....Yum!

MyKidsMom said...

That cake looks amazing! Happy B-day, Wesley, Jana